The Irises of Rosedale Garden

The Irises of Rosedale Garden


As the last frost, hail and unexpected late May snows bless our spring crops with moisture, the irises of Rosedale Garden burst into a symphony of color.   The blooming irises last only a few weeks but are magnificent.   If we’re lucky, some of the flowers will still be blooming when the planting of warm season crops commences around Memorial Day weekend.

Over the years, irises have been split and spread throughout the garden and many new varieties have been introduced.   When the young son of one of my garden partners eagerly snipped some blooms from my neighbor Marilynn’s garden, his mom apologized profusely and as a goodwill gesture, gifted Marilynn several bulbs of multi-colored varieties from a local iris nursery.   For years, those special irises decorated the border of Marilynn’s beautiful corner plot.

Another spring, my mother came to visit from Wisconsin and marveled at the beautiful yellow blooms in Millie and Theresa’s garden.   Millie graciously allowed me to split her irises and share them with my mom who planted them along the side of her home in Wisconsin.  She loved those irises so much that I would bring her more every chance I could.  When Mom passed away several years ago, my sisters and I dug up her favorite irises and planted them in our gardens in Wisconsin, Kansas and Colorado.  Irises are a wonderful plant to share!

Here are some photos I took of the irises at Rosedale in 2018 and 2019.   I just love how beautiful the garden is in late May.  Come visit!!

May 2018

May 2019

About anaincolorado

Hi, I am an avid gardener both at home and at Rosedale Community Garden where I've had a plot for 21 years. I am very interested in learning more about gardening, how to preserve it, incorporating farm fresh produce into my cooking and living a healthy lifestyle. In addition, I am a Master Community Gardener through Denver Urban Gardens and am a shareholder at the Chatfield CSA. In 2015, I spearheaded an effort to start a community donation garden at St. Philip's Lutheran Church -- a project I will share on my blog. I am eager to share what I've learned and the adventures I had learning new things and interacting with the garden community.

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